An achievement/ranking system will be added to the site soon. Stay tuned for more details.
- Steal any buff from opposing team, any map:: 20pts
- Have a perfect game 1+ kill 0 death 1+ assist:: 20pts
- Get a "First Blood":: 20pts
- Triple Kill:: 25pts
- Down your lanes tower in under 5 minutes:: 25pts
- Kill 200+ minions in one match:: 25pts
- Backdoor a tower with full health: 25pts
- Successfully steal Baron from opposing team:: 50pts
- Comeback for a win while missing all towers:: 50pts
- Successfully steal Baron from opposing team:: 50pts
- 10+ Kills 0 Deaths OR 15+ Assists 0 deaths:: 50pts
- Successfully backdoor a Nexus for the win:: 50pts
- 30+ assists in one match:: 50pts
- Kill 300+ minions in one match:: 50pts
- Have 3 successful ganks in under 10 minutes:: 50pts
- 20+ kills:: 50pts
- Solo Baron:: 50pts
- Kill an opponent while they are on their summoners platform:: 50pts
- Quadra Kill:: 75pts
- Penta Kill:: 125pts
Character Exclusive Achievments:
- Get a skillshot kill from long range (Ashes arrow, Ezreal Ult, Lux Ult, etc.):: 40pts
- Throw an opponent through a wall (Alistar, Tristana, Gragas) 40pts
- Kill an opponent by any trap (Shaco Jack in the Box, Teemo Mushroom, Caitlyn Trap):: 50pts